Online payment through the Amilia platform
To facilitate registration, please complete the registration of your child on the Amilia platform by following the following steps:
• Click the following link:
• Click on SHOP
• Choose the program, (Name of your child's program: FOR EXAMPLE: Mini NOBEL Fall 2020 or Nobel Program Fall 2020.
• Under the program, click on the + and select the MINI or Banjamin or Cadet or Juvenile program OR Choose the center near you and the age category of your child.
• Click on the icon
• If you already have an account on Amilia, enter your email and password.
• If you don't have an account, click on Create an account and complete the information.
• Select the participants to register, if no child is on the list, or if you want to add another child, click on Add another personand complete the information.
• Once added, click
• From the same window, click
• Complete the following information: Account manager and Personal information of the child.
• Select the amount to be paid by credit card or $ 0 if paying by certified check or money order at the first practice. A fee of $ 35 will be billed to all registered participants without having registered a valid Advantage card number. The Advantage card number is mandatory in order to obtain the necessary subsidies to reduce the cost of annual registration. To obtain the card, please read the information online:
• Accept the conditions.
• Click on Complete Purchase.
• An invoice will be sent to you by email, confirming your child's registration and the amount due (if applicable).